Al Oído, The best of Mónica Giraldo
No dejo de amarte – Molinos de viento – A paso lento – Contigo me basta – Por verte llegar Así lo canto yo – Tú – Tal vez – Llévame contigo – Muy Cerca – La Aventurera – Por todo y lo demás – La vida puede ser simple – Junto al palmar del bajío
“A guitar and a voice, that is how music came into my life and that is the way it has continued. Al Oído – The Best of Mónica Giraldo is the journey through the sound map that I have been building through my songs. This map has been nurtured by the cadence of the Colombian Caribbean; and also, the sounds of the different songs of the world interpreted by guitar and voice. This collection of songs is an observation to life; to the common places we inhabit and to the feelings that accompany this journey. For me, music has been a safe place and a meeting point in the world we live in. Monica
Mónica Giraldo
Rex Niswander
Angela Jackson
Guitar and voice: Mónica Giraldo
Master Engineer: María Constanza Triana
Art Director and design: Bárbara Santos
Cover photographer: Jorge Velásquez
Birds photographer: Nicolás Parra
Dancer: Roiber Jimenez Fuentes.